Beiträge von alphazealot

Wir sammeln alle Infos der Bonusepisode von Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur für euch!

Zu der Infoseite von „Die Mo-Mo-Manie“

    Thank you all for the feedback - read through the prepared paper at the Italian event and have attempted to read through feedback here (via Google translation).

    Regarding the difference in Germany/UK cuts (x-1 guaranteed) and Italy (x-2 guaranteed): while it is preferred to keep internal systems within a season consistent, the player feedback from the first two events, along with the evidence of issues (5 players tied at 62% at UK Nationals, etc.), hastened the move to a x-2 guaranteed system. While it would certainly have been preferential in hindsight to have all three events run in such a manner - it was a realization that occurred based on experience from the UK and Germany. It didn't seem responsible to wait until next season to fix what was clearly wrong this season.

    Of note:
    -In 2013 the UK and the German event ran in single-day format - keeping cuts smaller to save time is a factor
    -A line for Top Cut needs to be drawn somewhere, the deeper the cuts go, the less rewarding exceptional play during the Swiss component of the event is
    -There is certainly some consideration that needs to be taken regarding consistency in results for best of 1 for the Pokemon video game

    I enjoyed meeting many players over the last month and I hope for better things to come. Please continue to give constructive criticism - everything is listened too and appreciated.