Beiträge von E5K1

    First i'd Like to say your french is pretty good :)

    I was on this forum years Ago, I was something like 13-14 years Old (and I was a better german speaker). Unfortunately, I was unable to find my old account, so i created this new one.

    I found the forum by searching pokemon forums in other languages than mine, I typed "Pokemon Forum" in and I found it :)

    Hello there! I'm french and pretty bad in german, so I hope English will be ok. If not let me know, I'll try to use online translator, but the result risk to be not very good :)

    I'm pretty intersted in those Pokemons :

    Mamutel♂ lvl.50,Finder: Arash,ID.Nr.05034,Herkunft: Pokemon Event,Offenbar schicksalhafte Begegnung mit lvl.50 am 3.5.2014.Wesen: Hart,Fähigkeit: Speckschicht,Hat eine gute Ausdauer

    Knakrack♂ lvl.48,Finder: コロコロ (CoroCoro),ID.Nr.11153,Herkunft: Netter Ort,Offenbar schicksalhafte Begegnung mit lvl.48 am25.11.2013,Wesen: Still,Fähigkeit: Sandschleier,Flüchtet schnell

    Blitza♂ lvl.10,Finder: ポケセン♪ (PokéCen♪),ID.Nr.10123,Herkunft: Pokemon Center,Offenbar schicksalhafte Begegnung mit lvl.10 am 14.1.2014,Wesen: Hitzig,Fähigkeit: Voltabsorber,Prügelt sich gern

    I can offer PRINT 2014 (French event) Magmar and Elektek with different Natures and a Glaciola ポケセン♪

    Thank you for reading :)

    Ça va très bien merci =)

    I'm 21 years old boy, I live in Reims, France. I learned german but there is not much left today, I'm even better in Chinese!

    I love to play all kind of video game, and Pokemon is one of my favorite! I like electronic music, some Germans are good, like Paul Kalkenbrenner or Digitalism!
    I also like to enjoy a few beers with my friend. I also enjoy cooking, I'm a kind of "cordon bleu" :)

    Hallo! Ich bin Französisch und ich spreche ein bischen Deutsch. Ich kann besser spricht English :)

    I will go on in English, and i hope you guys will understand!

    I'm here to trade mostly events, I really enjoy and collect them:)