Scans for open source database

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Zu der Infoseite von „Die Mo-Mo-Manie“
  • Hi there! I am seeking scans for German cards for use in an online database. The goal is to document every card in every language so that it is easy to see what cards exist. I'm looking for people who have a large collection and would like to help with the scans. Below, I listed the guidelines for what we are looking for. Please send me a PM or email me at if you are interested in helping out. Thanks for the help!

    Current Scan Requirements

    scans must be at 600 dpi resolution
    Disable any automatic image correction options (color: such as but not limited to color and contrast adjustment, dust and scratch removal, unsharp mask, and Descreen settings)
    Save as PNG filetype
    The Entire card must be visible, on all edges
    cards must be in Excellent (EX) or better condition
    Images can not have excessive glaring hindering the ability to see the card itself
    Scans' may contain more than one card per image file, but need to be of the same set and ought to be in consecutive order (ex: Base Set 1-9 scans on one page is scanned okay - Base 12.56, 90,31,47 on one page would not be)
    When sending scans, please group together by set in a folder
    For the time being, only full set scans will be accepted.

    Additional Things to Remember
    For foil cards try to reduce off-color reflections and glare. This may require turning a card on the scanner to get a different angle. It may take a few scans to get the best results. Below are two examples, one with off-color reflections and the other with a white foil reflection (this is Desired).

    Example with foil color:…le.php?id=24233&mode=view

    Example without:…le.php?id=24232&mode=view

    Credit in part to sczther for a bit of the information contained above, he got the ball rolling on this.